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Magic link does not work
Magic link does not work

Magic link does not work.

Updated over a week ago

Magic Links are the primary way to login to our desktop and mobile apps, our platform does not operate on a password based system.

"Invalid Link"

If you're having issues with our app you've likely come across this error.

Magic links expire after around 45 minutes to an hour for security reasons, so it's best to click the link within that time frame.

For common issues when logging in with magic links to our platform, below are the 4 best steps you can do to resolve this issue.

Troubleshooting "Invalid Link"

1. Delete ALL "Log in to Innovation Markets" Emails

Whatever email client/provider you're using to login to the app, the best thing you can do is to delete all your login emails from us before logging in again.

It is highly likely you may be accidentally clicking the wrong magic link on every attempt to login. So deleting old magic links increases the chances that the login will succeed significantly.

2. Close ALL browser tabs from Innovation Markets

Any magic link you press from your email will open a browser tab. Closing old tabs helps ensure the login will succeed.

3. Double check the confirmation code on the app and email.

As it's highly likely you're accidentally clicking the wrong link on every login attempt, make sure ALL confirmation codes match the code in the email.

This will ensure that you are indeed clicking the correct magic link, not old links.

4. ONLY click magic links from the device you are using.

Requesting a magic link on mobile and clicking it on the desktop will NEVER work. Below is the entire login flow which WILL work.

If you requested a magic link from the mobile app, click the link from mobile ONLY.

If you requested a magic link from the desktop app, click the link from desktop ONLY.

5. Don't mark login emails as spam.

Marking our login emails sent from ([email protected]) as spam will make logging into the apps not work and you may not receive any email to login into the apps.

We have an aggressive spam detection and prevention system and our email provider blacklists login emails instantly that are marked as spam.

This will prevent you from logging into the apps and the members portal.

It would take around a day or two for us to make sure your email is active again.

Instead, if you don't need the login email, you can delete them instead.

Mobile Browser Issues

If you're still experiencing issues with magic links on mobile please try the following:

Brave Mobile (Android)

If you're experiencing login issues using Brave on Android, the best way to fix is to follow these steps.

  1. Open the Brave App on Android and go to the Settings page.

  2. Tap on Brave Shields & Privacy.

  3. Go to Other Privacy Settings and tap Allow app links to open in apps outside of Brave

Try to login again into the app after doing this.

Outlook Mobile

Update: This issue should be fixed on the latest version of Outlook Mobile, but if you're still experiencing issues follow the guide below.

If you're experiencing login issues using Outlook, the best way to fix this is to tap the three dots and tap 'Open in Browser' and continue from there.

If you're still experiencing and having issues with our magic links, please make sure that you have a strong internet connection when you click our magic links.

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